I also wanted to tell you a story about Alexis that is also a demonstration of how He even reveals Himself to our children. We have been praying for God to soften Alexis' heart towards others. Don't get me wrong, I know her love runs deep, but acting on that love has been a difficult thing for her. This past week during her first week of school she has been enjoying playing with last year's friends during recess. There is one girl in her class that tends to play by herself. Last Wednesday I asked Alexis what she did during her 2 recesses. She said that she played a game she had been playing all week with all the same friends she usually plays with during the first recess. But during the second recess she said she talked to the one girl who plays by herself . WE had this precious conversation about their conversation. Yet, my doubtful faith made me think that her teacher must have encouraged Alexis to talk to her and spend time with her. I talked with her teacher this weekend, and much to my delightful surprise, she not only confirmed what Alexis had done on the playground, she added that she had nothing to do with it, it was all Alexis' idea. I cried. I told Alexis how proud I was of her kind heart---and she just beamed, but almost an uncomfortable beam. She told me that when she was in kindergarten she played all by herself on the playground for a long time, until her sweet friend asked her if she would be her friend--they have been the best of friends ever since. She remembered how it felt, and she saw someone who felt that same way, and she acted! This little girl has played with them eversince. God is good. Thank you, Lord, for giving my daughter a taste of your heart, and giving her the courage to act on your behalf.
The hearts of our children...both "big" children and small...are precious. I thank God for all of your tender hearts!
I, too, cried when I read this about precious Lexi. She has a tender heart, just like her mom and dad (and her sweet brothers).
I couldn't love you more,
Granny Franny
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