Thursday, February 19, 2009

Not there yet

I just read an article on Yahoo news about how fruits and vegetables have such little value these days in the vitamin and mineral department. I guess in order to keep up with demand they have to grow things bigger and in more quantity which means that have to modify things--taking out the nutritional value. I was so discouraged when I read that article. As a mom who tries to feed her kids healthy and economically, this is not good news. Especially for my little Tyke. HE doesn't get to eat much these days--fruits, veggies and potatoes. I tried to give him an ounce of milk today, I prayed as he drank it. He loved it. But his body did not. His lips broke out in welts, his cheeks began to itch--well, you know how it goes. Tomorrow we will probably see it all over his body. He's just not there yet. But I so badly want him to be. I want him to get proteins and grow stronger and gain a little weight. So, today hearing that info from the good 'ol, gloom and doom news was hard for me. I at least want what he does eat to benefit him. And have you priced organic lately? We allready spend about $70 a week in fruit--just fruit. Organic would take us past $100. And who really knows if it is any better? so many conflicting reports. I have another sweet boy upstairs with chest congestion, and as his body fights it off, he struggles to breath. It all makes me a little sad. I know in the grand scheme of things it is better than life threatening diseases, but I don't want there life to be labeled by afflictions. I have worked very hard on finding alternatives to giving them medications, and for the most part they have worked. I just have to accept that we do, afterall, live in a broken world and the good Lord never promised we would have perfect health in this life. I am thankful for what He has shown us. I just wish for better for my kids and I pray that God will show us all how to take care of these bodies He gave us in a world that is so deprived. I know He is big enough to handle it.

Don't you love my feeble attempt at putting a face to our delimma?

1 comment:

Melissa (aka Kitty) said...

You guys should plant some fruit trees, blueberry bushes, and strawberry plants on your land. Grow your own garden. That's our plan in the backyard this spring.